Wassup kids!
My word, it's been a while since I posted. In fact, it's been a while since I really wrote anything.
Waterpolo started up about two weeks ago, and I've been physically powned ever since then. My days pretty much revolved around killing myself for an hour and a half at either 6:30am or 5:15pm, surviving school, eating and sleeping. I only barely managed to get my column for last Friday done, and it was of a quality which, I believe, was far below my capacity. But we'll talk more about that in a second.
I'm going to be trying to post a lot more. It should become easier as I adjust to the rigors of waterpolo (he said hopefully). In terms of what I'm going to be posting, I'm going to keep doing what I have been, with the addition of another column piece on every off week (to make it once a week, basically), and I'm also going to start doing 'Retro Reviews'. These are born of the insight that I need to get more experience in terms of reviewing specifically, but I'm too povertous to afford most new releases and there are a lot of good games that I've missed out on in my time. In all honesty, the games really won't be all that retro, but they will probably be releases from at least a year or more back.
Stay tuned for my Portal review, coming tomorrow!
On to my column. I really would like some feedback on this one, as it was done in great haste and I feel like there are a lot of issues with it - if, however, it still manages to be of a decent quality, it would be a good indicator as to the extent of my growth as a writer, and the areas in which I really need to focus on improving.
I'll just shut up and give you the link now. Here it is.
One last piece of news. First off, I'm in the process of downloading The Witcher 2, which, by all accounts, sounds truly epic. Before I do that, however, I need to finish installing and patching StarCraft 2.
Why, you ask? Because, being the genius I am, I was going through my Games folder in a fit of conscience and deleting all of the games which were pirated (there weren't many - promise). In the process, as you've probably guessed, I managed to accidentally my StarCraft folder. By accident. So yeah, now I'm stuck applying all 21 patches for the rest of eternity before I can play again. Durptacular!
Anyways, that's about all from me. I've got some zombies to shoot, or something. Until tomorrow (he said hopefully)!
You left out a vita word in that article... SOMEWHERE! Mwahahahahahahahahahaha!