So, I said in my previous post that I was going to be making a post soon with the intent of outlining my general vision for this blog. That idea died with the realisation that 'visions' and knit picky things like 'definition' (if you got the joke there, you're awesome :D) boring. So, instead of giving you an extremely long-winded, self-important and more than a little TL;DR version of my vision for this blog, I'm going to be presenting you kids with the abridged version instead.
So, here goes.
Ultimately, this blog aims to be a place where I can express two of the things I love most in the world: gaming and writing. Some of the pieces I do will be in-depth analyses of certain topics, others will be more general opinion columns, others will simply be my commentary on random stuff I see in the gaming industry and yet others will document my day-to-day thoughts about gaming.
What this means is that I'm going to be posting more often (hopefully 2/3 times per week, time permitting), and that most of my posts won't be as long as my columns have been. Except for, you know, the columns.
I'd really like this blog to become a place where I can engage with my audience on the levels of both criticism in terms of my writing itself and in terms of the actual subject matter I put forward. As such, please feel free to comment your hearts out, debate, criticise, compliment, or just comment - all is welcome and appreciated.
I would naturally also love it if this blog became more well-read, as it would mean I would both be able to engage and share my views with a wider audience and be able to justify spending more time on getting posts up. So, if you like what you read, tell your friends! And make sure that they tell their friends! Preferably on pain of death or something, but if you have what you believe to be more effective persuasion techniques, feel free to try them out.
Basically, I'm going to be posting more, so hopefully when all of you faithfuls who have my blog bookmarked in your questions check anxiously for an update, you'll actually find one. Rock on.
One last request - the site I'm currently writing for, eGamer, has just implemented Google AdSense, in the hopes of generating enough cashola to both remunerate their writers for the hard work they put in (at the moment we are all volunteers who receive no such recompense), and create opportunity for the site to develop. So, when you load up eGamer every day to check what's what in the world of gaming (if you don't already, please do. It would be most appreciated), feel free to open a few of the ads you see in new tabs, to do your little bit to fuel our initiative. :)
That's about all I have to say; this post intended mainly to get me back into the routine of posting, to let ya'll know what I'm intending in terms of this blog, and to implore you to both refer to eGamer for all your gaming needs and fool Google into thinking you care about our ads every now and then.
For those of you who don't know the URL, you can click here to go to eGamer.
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