Monday, June 20, 2011

Transformation, Internation (?) and Blognotdeadification! Or something...

With exams out of the way, and the dreaded reading project a distant worry, I post once again... with news! Truly epic news! I've managed to grab meself an internship at, so I'm hopefully going to be writing for them in the near future, as a columnist to start off with but branching into some other pieces as well. The problem is, I'm still trying to get a piece good enough that I can publish it comfortably without alienating an entire potential audience because of a shoddy piece of nonsense that I did in the 20 minute break I allowed myself during my Physics studying. Nay, dear reader, nay! My first published must be a true reflection of my writing personality, ability and whatever dregs of talent I may possess. But more on that a tad later.

Just as a heads-up, this blog is going to be transforming somewhat. I'm still going to be posting the commentary type pieces I have been, but with other posts thrown in as well, related more to my tabletop gaming career - D&D and Warhammer 40k, specifically. They will only stay if you guys enjoy them, of course, so please do tell me what you think ^^ Though those posts will only come later in the week/on the weekend, when my homework schedule and the reading project permit.

For now, I require your aid! I've completed the first part of what I hope to be my first published column (yes, I did rant about cod6, it puts me in the right mood for writing :P).

So, here it is. Tell me you think, where I can improve, what I did right/wrong/etcetera. Much <3 TL;DR: Read this...

“A newer, brighter future – over the internet”

Or at least, that seems to be the freshest batch of nonsense that every games developer and their freaking cat are trying to sell us now.

It seems as if just the other day I was ranting about how Infinity Ward, Activision and anyone else even vaguely related to what I staunchly refer to as the disaster which was modern warfare 2 (may its name be forever cursed), had completely screwed over their most loyal market by removing dedicated servers and LAN support from their (then) latest addition to the Call of Duty series. Don’t get me wrong, from what I hear and from the little I’ve played it seems to be a good enough game, but I firmly believe that it was the first rung in an all too short ladder which has led PC gaming into the dark, decrepit cesspool we, as gamers deprived of their LAN support, are now forced to inhabit.

Before modern warfare 2 (may its name be forever cursed), other games developers would not have had nearly as much confidence as they did in bringing out games which didn’t feature LAN support... This changed, however, when modern warfare 2 (may its name be forever cursed) was released and it become the single greatest profit generating piece of entertainment media on the planet, without any hint of LAN support or dedicated servers (but mainly LAN support, the dedicated servers bit is more for personal QQ). Other games developers got the idea that consumers were okay with buying a game that didn’t feature LAN support (or dedicated servers, for that matter), and so no longer saw LAN support as necessary. The result is that in the space of what has been around two years, we have been taken from the metaphorical tropical beaches of a world where games developers had the decency to have LAN support as a feature of their games, and plunged into the aforementioned cesspool, tragically deprived of LAN support as it is.

What really irks me about what I view to be the turning point in this whole issue – the success of the game-that-shall-not-be-named (let its name continue to be forever cursed) is not even legitimately its own. What I mean by that is this: people did not randomly wake up in the morning and decide to make modern warfare 2 (may its name be forever cursed) the best selling game of all time… of all time! People went out and bought (well, pre-ordered and bought, but you know what I mean) the game because they wanted more of what they got from Call of Duty 4 (may its name be forever praised!). And fair enough at that, as CoD4 was (and still is) one of the greatest games of all time… of all time!

So, before I digress from my intended topic too heavily, let me give you a quick rundown of what’s been said so far: Obscure Fallout3 reference, rant, rant, QQ, QQ, modern warfare 2 (may its name be forever cursed) sucks because it piggybacked off the success of CoD4 to drag PC gaming into a cesspool of yet more QQ and lack of LAN support, Kanye West meme reference, CoD4 > all.

That is where it ends for now, I'll try and finish it tomorrow - no extra-murals for me! :D So, what der ya'll think?


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