Thursday, May 12, 2011

Sweet Mother of Mercy!!(!) It Lives!

It seems quite fitting (and admittedly, completely coincidental. But it remains awesome, so hush) that my next blog post should take place exactly 20 weeks (or 5 months, assuming a 4 week average per month, which normal people generally tend to do) from my previous one (lots of brackets!).

Ultimately, the reason I stopped posting was because I just forgot to. I played a ton of StarCraft 2 and didn't do much of anything else (the dream, amirite?)... and then term started again, my girlfriend came back from Germany and life in general hit pretty damn hard.

Fear not, however, for I post again! And I intend to continue to do so with resolve and vigor, because sharing my views on gaming and simply talking (typing, whatever) about games is something I really enjoy doing. I've had a ton of ideas floating around in the nether regions of my brain regarding posts I'd like to do, but I never really made them happen, so I hope to finally bring those to the fore pretty soon.

I'm not entirely sure how often I intend to post. At the bare minimum I'm thinking of doing one post per week (but hopefully more frequent than that), covering stuff from why I game to my views on the viability of professional gaming.

So yeah, over the course of the weekend I hope to have my first post of actual substance out. Now all you need to do is hold me to that :D

Much <3

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